The show hits the road as Mike travels to Niagara Falls. Two fellow comic book lovers and collectors, Vince and George Pagano join the conversation. […]
Month: March 2022
The Hozone Lair VS The Comix Zone
What do Cooter Stank, pimpin’ tit pix, and dick jokes have in common? This episode of the Comix Zone. The Hozone returns to the Comix […]
Hidden Secrets and Spoilers Found In The Batman Movie
I am Vengence. It is all about The Batman in this episode of the Comix Zone. The Dynamic Duo Chelsea and Vince join Bill and […]
Death of the MCU? Killing The Golden Goose
What could kill the golden goose? Will the MCU ever die? Is there a point in time where Disney and Marvel just piss off all […]
Speculating about Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness
We take a deep dive into the Doctor Strange trailer of Multiverse of Madness. What are we going to see in the new movie? We […]